Director: Chris & Billie Bartley | c. 606.434.7791 |

Meeting Times:  Wednesday @ 6:30 pm during the school year

Yearly Events: Summer Mission Trip, New Years Conference, and a Fall Retreat

Join the New Beginnings Youth Facebook Group.

We believe God has called us, in partnership with parents, to:

  • INVEST in the next generation of young people in significant ways

  • INSTRUCT them in the core doctrines and disciplines of the Christian faith along with principles
    for living healthy, wise and productive lives

  • INSPIRE them by our example and challenge them to take faith-filled risks

  • IGNITE them with a passion for Jesus Christ, a love for the lost, a commitment to the local
    church, and finally, to launch them into the world prepared for life, for relationships, for
    service, and for leadership.

Real and Relevant Youth Band

The worship band for our 7-12th grade was able to write, record and release an original song, “So I Could Live.” They are able to do things like this under the guidance of Bek and Tim Smallwood. It has been wonderful to hear stories from all over about how this song has moved so many people.

recent youth sunday

On Sunday May 15th, students led worship, did skits, spoke, prayed, and led in communion. We as a church were able to witness on powerful demonstration of the Gospel by the Generation of NOW!